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Use These Videos and Text for Your Association Newsletter


Video Title: What can you and your sales team learn from McDonald's?

McDonald's found a way to package better service by providing faster, simpler and easier to use solutions to their customer’s challenges. Can their creative idea to providing a better customer experience help you and your sales team?

Want more help? Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter listing my video postings for the week at www.pancero.com. And check out www.AdvancedSalesUnversity.com for more in-depth learning.

Link to Video:  https://vimeo.com/337887253


Video Title: Can you define the steps of your team’s selling process?

Do you have a clear definition of the steps of your team’s “Identify to close” selling process? Is your team wasting massive amounts of selling time and effort because they keep trying to redefine their selling process with each new selling opportunity? Learn how, as their sales leader, you can lead the definition, and implementation of a more consistent and effective way to sell.

Want more help? Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter listing my video postings for the week at www.pancero.com. And check out www.AdvancedSalesUnversity.com for more in-depth learning.

Link to Video:  https://vimeo.com/337887426


Video Title: How many of your reps can pass the “Hellarewe Bird” test?

How many of your reps can pass the “Hellarewe Bird” test? How many of your reps are missing major selling opportunities because they’re just functioning at the “Hellarewe Bird” level…only thinking and planning one move ahead at a time? And what are you doing as their sales leader to help them see multiple-moves ahead?

Want more help? Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter listing my video postings for the week at www.pancero.com. And check out www.AdvancedSalesUnversity.com for more in-depth learning.

Link to Video:  https://vimeo.com/337887757


Video Title: Are you in the Coaching Zone?

How much time are you spending in the Coaching Zone as a coach and leader of your sales team? How much of your team conversations are you able to stay Future Focused, Tactical and Strategic? Success as the leader of a sales team today means you need to be more proactive in your coaching and leading of your team. And one of the best ways to maintain your proactive coaching effectiveness is by learning how you can consistently stay in The Coaching Zone.

Want more help? Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter listing my video postings for the week at www.pancero.com. And check out www.AdvancedSalesUnversity.com for more in-depth learning.

Link to Video:  https://vimeo.com/337887984


Video Title: Have you created the best leadership culture to attract the best new reps to your team?

What are you doing to make your leadership culture more motivating and attractive to the next generation of sales reps you need to attract and hire? As your sales team is evolving from mainly Baby Boomers to mainly Millennials, how are you also evolving your leadership philosophies and motivational culture? Join me on this video as I share the three phases I watch most companies go through as they work to evolve and improve their leadership culture…as well as what you can do to improve your leadership approach.

Want more help? Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter listing my video postings for the week at www.pancero.com. And check out www.AdvancedSalesUnversity.com for more in-depth learning.

Link to Video:  https://vimeo.com/337888258


Video Title: Are you teaching the wrong steps of a sales call?

What steps of a sales call do you use/teach/coach with your sales team? Reps with strong understanding and control of their steps of a sales call are more persuasive and consistent selling professionals. But most teach the wrong steps to their team. Join me as I discuss the significant difference between the steps of a sales call when applied to the multiple-call selling environment compared to the retail single-call sale.

Want more help? Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter listing my video postings for the week at www.pancero.com. And check out www.AdvancedSalesUnversity.com for more in-depth learning.

Link to Video:  https://vimeo.com/337888537


Video Title: Can you still trust your motivational instincts?

How are you motivating your different team members? Especially the youngest members of your team? We’re in a different motivational environment today than the one most of us grew up in. How are you adjusting your motivational style to create an environment where all of your team members are motivating themselves to what they most want and need? Join me as I talk about how you can help all members of your team achieve more than they would have achieved if just left alone.

Want more help? Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter listing my video postings for the week at www.pancero.com. And check out www.AdvancedSalesUnversity.com for more in-depth learning.

Link to Video:  https://vimeo.com/337888747


Video Title: Are your service levels contributing to your competitive advantage?

Service as a competitive advantage is no longer based on a “Call us when you need us” reactive approach. How proactive are your service levels? Join me as I share my four-tiered template you can use to accurately measure your current service (and customer loyalty) levels.

Want more help? Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter listing my video postings for the week at www.pancero.com. And check out www.AdvancedSalesUnversity.com for more in-depth learning.

Link to Video:  https://vimeo.com/337888935


Video Title: How frequently are you communicating with your sales team?

How are you adjusting your frequency and style of communications with each member of your team to best impact and motivate their results? The younger your team members, the more likely they have grown up in an environment of connectivity. In the broadest terms, Baby Boomers communicate with their managers to solve problems, while your youngest reps see communicating with their manager as much a source of encouragement and support as for solving problems.

Want more help? Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter listing my video postings for the week at www.pancero.com. And check out www.AdvancedSalesUnversity.com for more in-depth learning.

Link to Video:  https://vimeo.com/337889200


Video Title: Are your customer plant tours increasing your competitive advantage?

Ever give prospects or customers tours of your offices, warehouse or manufacturing facilities? Most companies put little thought into their customer tours…and it’s hurting their selling efforts and ability to demonstrate their value and uniqueness. Are your customer tours of your place just showing off the features of what you do? Or are your tours really showcasing your workers and the benefits a customer receives buying from you? Join me as I share ideas you can immediately apply to make sure your office or plant tours are truly communicating your value, uniqueness and benefits of doing business with you.

Want more help? Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter listing my video postings for the week at www.pancero.com. And check out www.AdvancedSalesUnversity.com for more in-depth learning.

Link to Video:  https://vimeo.com/337886902

Video Title: How are you maximizing your sales rep "Ride-With" times?

Are you taking full advantage of the coaching opportunities available when you ride with one of your sales reps? How are you managing and controlling the conversations you have with your rep in between customer sales calls? Instead of you both spending all your between-call times on your cell phones, what can you do to take at least some of that time as a connecting, helping and coaching time? You get so little time to individually coach and strategize with your reps, join me on this video to learn what you can do to recapture this private coaching time.

Want more help? Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter listing my video postings for the week at www.pancero.com. And check out www.AdvancedSalesUnversity.com for more in-depth learning.

Link to Video:  https://vimeo.com/356250256

Video Title: Want a simple test to make your team’s communications more persuasive and customer focused?

Want a simple tool to help your team be more persuasive and customer focused in their communications? Join me as I describe a simple test I’ve developed that will immediately improve anything your sales team has put in writing…letters, e-mail, online posts, brochures, proposals, trade show booth signage, etc. Called the X’s & O’s test, you’ll learn how you can use this easy measurement tool to help you quantify and prove to your reps that their communications are not focused enough, or relevant enough to their buyers.

Want more help? Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter listing my video postings for the week at www.pancero.com. And check out www.AdvancedSalesUnversity.com for more in-depth learning.

Link to Video:  https://vimeo.com/356250604

Video Title: Want to help your reps sell their way out of a sales slump?

How many of your reps right now are in a selling slump? Even in a strong economy ten to twenty percent of a sales team can be experiencing an emotional selling slump or slowdown in their sales success. How are you, as their leader, helping them overcome this “selling speed bump?” Selling is a very emotional job. Reps are loud, excited and elated when sales are up and become quiet, depressed and lethargic when sales are down. Join me as I share what you can do as their leader to balance out these emotions…so your team can maintain the greatest levels of productivity and effectiveness!

Want more help? Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter listing my video postings for the week at www.pancero.com. And check out www.AdvancedSalesUnversity.com for more in-depth learning.

Link to Video: https://vimeo.com/356251050

Video Title: Are you taking advantage of the only four reasons buyers really buy?

So why do I want to buy from you? In a competitive environment there are only four reasons people choose one competitor over any of the others. This applies to both retail and business-to-business buying. Learn how your team can master the four core values of buying…and increase your competitive selling edge!

Want more help? Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter listing my video postings for the week at www.pancero.com. And check out www.AdvancedSalesUnversity.com for more in-depth learning.

Link to Video: https://vimeo.com/356251402

Video Title:  Are you assuming “Experienced = Trained” with your most senior reps?

Most companies today are investing their training efforts and attention on their newest salespeople…teaching them how to sell. But what are you doing for your most senior reps? The ones selling millions of dollars for you and have been around forever? Are you, like most sales leaders, assuming “Experienced = Trained?” Selling today is dramatically different than it was even 10 years ago…not the 30 years some of your reps have been selling for your company. What are you doing to help even your senior reps become stronger and more effective sales pros?

Want more help? Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter listing my video postings for the week at www.pancero.com. And check out www.AdvancedSalesUnversity.com for more in-depth learning.

Link to Video: https://vimeo.com/356251724

Video Title: Are you successful selling against the Amazon model?

Have you noticed offering high quality products backed up by great service is just not enough today to gain a consistent competitive edge? Today you also need to be focused on speed, simplicity and ease of use…the Amazon model. How easy is it to do business with you? Join me as I share ideas to help make sure you and your team are continuing to “Step it up” to the next level of competitive value and uniqueness!

Want more help? Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter listing my video postings for the week at www.pancero.com. And check out www.AdvancedSalesUnversity.com for more in-depth learning.

Link to Video: https://vimeo.com/359373576

Video Title: How old is your team’s “competitive edge?”

The last sixty years of selling have been a stepped process of change and evolution of what gave you a competitive advantage. Most sales reps, without further training and coaching, stayed at the philosophy and skill level they entered selling even as markets (and competitors) continue to evolve and get stronger. How many of your senior reps brag about using selling styles that stopped providing any kind of edge decades ago? Are you pushing your team to master antiquated selling skills and philosophies? Join me as I explain the last sixty years of selling…and what you can do to keep your team functioning at the most current competitive level today!

Want more help? Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter listing my video postings for the week at www.pancero.com. And check out www.AdvancedSalesUnversity.com for more in-depth learning.

Link to Video: https://vimeo.com/359377518

Video Title: Are you helping your team improve their closing skills?

Effective sales training is no longer theory based but is now more “Paint by numbers.” Sales reps today are saying “Tell me what you want me to do say and how to do it.” How are you, as their leader, teaching them better ways to sell? Join me as I share effective sales call closing techniques!

Want more help? Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter listing my video postings for the week at www.pancero.com. And check out www.AdvancedSalesUnversity.com for more in-depth learning.

Link to Video: https://vimeo.com/359375852

Video Title: What selling skills do your sales reps most need to improve?

Do your sales team members have all the selling skills they need to be successful for you and your company? Are your experienced reps just competitive…or do they have the top two selling skills that can actually give them a competitive edge? Join me as I share the four levels of selling, and how you can strengthen these skills within your team!

Want more help? Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter listing my video postings for the week at www.pancero.com. And check out www.AdvancedSalesUnversity.com for more in-depth learning.

Link to Video: https://vimeo.com/359380167

Video Title: Could running sales campaigns next year increase your team’s effectiveness?

Are your sales team members asking the same tired old reactive questions on their sales calls to existing accounts? Or are you, as their coach and leader, helping them bring different messages, and more value to your clients? Join me as I share how you can use sales campaigns to increase your team’s selling opportunities!

Want more help? Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter listing my video postings for the week at www.pancero.com. And check out www.AdvancedSalesUnversity.com for more in-depth learning.

Link to Video: https://vimeo.com/359379733

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