Larger-than-life personality, outstanding research, real world examples, proven results to help you increase your selling success! ...
Jim’s proven uniqueness and success is centered on his ability to translate complex selling and buying processes into simple steps and structures that can be taught, retained and utilized by your team.
Simple to explain, but complex to improve, success in selling is still based on your team’s ability to prove greater value and competitive uniqueness to justify your higher prices.
Jim has been influencing, guiding and inspiring sales professionals in more than 80 different industries to increase sales, market share and profitability. Jim’s combination of humor, larger-than-life personality, outstanding research and real-world examples that hit home provide even experienced sales pros who think they’ve heard it all with strategies and concepts that work! Your sales team will be charged up and ready to go......and your company and customers will reap the rewards. Time with Jim is time well spent--watch your productivity and profitability soar!

All of the proven selling philosophies, processes and structures...
Jim shares have just one goal…to increase you and your team’s personal “Powerhouse Selling Advantage.” The leading-edged ideas Jim shares have been researched, validated and fine-tuned through his decades of proven personal “business to business” sales success including over thirty years influencing and guiding the top performers selling higher priced and/or competitively complex distribution materials, large equipment, or business services.
Even during a 60-minute keynote, Jim’s combination of humor and real-world examples provides even experienced audience members who think they’ve heard it all before and are convinced there’s nothing new in sales with immediately implementable concepts that work.
Jim’s proven concepts center on showing you ways to strengthen the messaging and positioning of your team’s uniqueness and value, gaining more control of your selling processes, and strengthening your leadership team’s abilities to coach and lead in today’s hyper-competitive economy and global marketplace.

Since founding his sales training and consulting company in 1982,
Jim has conducted over 3,100 speeches, in-depth seminars or consulting days for more than 600 companies in over 80 different industries. Over 90% of Jim's clients have utilized his ideas and services more than once. Jim has also been recognized by the National Speakers Association having earned their CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) designation and been inducted into their Speakers Hall of Fame. This combined honor has only been awarded to less than 3% of their 3,500 professional members.
Jim is one of only three faculty members (out of twenty-eight faculty) presenting multiple days at the prestigious University of Innovative Distribution. This is a once a year four-day, University for over 700 distribution sales leaders co-sponsored by Purdue University and forty-five distribution associations.
For more on how to increase your competitive selling advantage visit Jim’s website, and check out our video clips on YouTube® and Vimeo®

“We know you’re good. Now the only question is…are you ready to get even better?”
Book Jim Now for Your Event!
Keynote speaker, Half or Full Day Sessions, Breakouts, Consulting or Multi-day Training

Hall of Fame Speaker & Thought Leader
2006 Robin Hill Lane, Carrollton, TX 75007
800.526.0074 or 952.913.8998