March 6, 2025

Upon finishing and clicking the “Submit Evaluation” button this page will reload and display
your Twenty Question Sales Evaluation results and analysis, you may refresh the results page to retake the evaluation. Your results will also be emailed to you.

First Name Last Name Company/Business Email

1. Your technical knowledge of your products/services and how they relate to your industry?

2. Knowledge of your competitor’s products and their customer success stories?

3. Your knowledge and daily usage of the steps of a sales call?

4. Your understanding of personalities and ability to identify and then mirror your customer’s communication style?

5. Your personal “time and territory” organizational skills?

6. Your ability to utilize technology to increase your productivity and effectiveness?

7. Your ability to proactively manage, control, and resolve customers’ problems?

8. Your ability to keep your existing accounts stable and under control?

9. Your ongoing new business prospecting process?

10. Your ability to think and plan multiple moves ahead with each of your customers and prospects?

11. Your knowledge/understanding of competitors’ pricing practices?

12. Your ability to utilize company support resources in your territory?

13. Your ability to communicate what your customers want to buy instead of just what you have to sell?

14. Your understanding of the political environment and decision process of each of your accounts?

15. Your ability to communicate what your competitive uniqueness and value is?

16. Your knowledge of your competitors’ strongest “value points” they use to sell against you?

17. Your ability to win business at a higher price/margin by communicating your stronger value?

18. Ability to represent yourself in a professional, truthful, and ethical manner?

19. Your ongoing commitment and efforts to grow and improve your selling skills and awareness?

20. Your ongoing use of one or more coaches or mentors to help you get better?

Want to discuss your results? E-mail me at to set up a time to talk.

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