Jim's Latest Sales Management Video Training
"Managing & Coaching The Sales Team"
"You Can Always Sell More - How to Improve Any Sales Force"
Fourteen Class Video Series by Jim Pancero
Jim Pancero’s “information-intensive” online learning program...
...will teach you the most critical skills, processes and stepped-structures of successful sales leadership. Each of your fourteen classes covers a different area critical to the long-term success of any sales team. Whether managing a team of rookies or seasoned pros, this program will show you how to be a stronger selling process coach and leader of your team. Program includes 14 classes of 10 to 20 minutes of high-content video per class as well as student testing and detailed student action guide.
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$675.00 / Student
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SECTION I – Are You “Good Enough as a Sales Manager to Get Better?”
Learn the critical awareness and attitudes necessary for success as the leader of a sales team
Class #1 – “What is the Job of a Sales Manager?” (15:20 min.)
- The definition of a successful sales manager and leader
- The four goals of shifting behaviors as a sales manager
- The key balance points for successful sales managers
- The four steps of all quality improvement programs to improve your sales team
SECTION II – How to Become a Sales Manager, Coach and Leader
Learn the skills to help each unique sales person on your team achieve more than they would have achieved if just left alone
Class #2 – “Are You a Sales Leader...or Just a Sales Manager?” (12:59 min.)
- Are you investing your sales leadership time as a manager or a leader?
- The differences (and impact) of re-actively supporting versus proactive coaching and leading a sales team
- What is the best blend of communications with your sales team?
- Understanding and mastering the matrix of successful sales leadership
Class #3 – "The Reality of Sales Leadership – Different People Need to Be Managed and Motivated differently" (20:21 min.)
- The unique attributes of sales professionals, and why that makes them so hard to coach and lead
- Invalid assumptions of experienced sales pros and their managers
- The four rules of motivation
- How to create the best motivational environment for your unique sales team
Class #4 – "How to Master the Values of a Sales Leader" (17:55 min.)
- Have you earned the right to coach and lead a sales team?
- How to master the five central values of sales leadership
- How to become more of a coach and leader and less of a “Head Doer”
Class #5 – "The Role of a Sales Manager on a Sales Call" (10:54 min.)
- Positive (and negative) reasons for a sales manager to go on a sales call
- How and when to step in and interrupt a sales call
- Understanding how to master the three levels of persuasive communications
- How to team sell on a sales call
SECTION III – How to Persuasively Coach, Train and Strengthen Your Sales Team
Learn the best steps, skills and structures required to train, coach and lead your sales team
Class #6 – "How to Strengthen Your Coaching Skills" (14:28 min.)
- How to increase your persuasive coaching skills
- How to measure incremental change
- How to conduct in-house sales training
- The best four questions to ask when coaching and training your team
Class #7 – "How to Build a New Sales Team...or Improve an Existing One" (13:47 min.)
- The four selling skills needed on any successful sales team
- Suggested steps and efforts to build a sales team made up of new people
- Suggested steps and efforts to build (or strengthen) an existing experienced sales team
- Understanding and mastering the language of “The Coaching Zone”
Class #8 – "How to Train a New Hire/Entry Level Salesperson" (14:09 min.)
- Six ideas to help you train a newly hired/entry level sales person
- How to develop an entry level training manual and stepped training process
- How to establish ongoing one-on-one new hire coaching sessions
- How to utilize role playing and practice sales calls
SECTION IV – How to Improve a Salesperson’s Selling Skills and Abilities
Learn how to build the most critical operational, tactical and strategic selling skills within your sales team
Class #9 – "How to Improve Attitude and Energy Selling Skills" (13:39 min.)
- Five ideas to improve a salesperson’s attitude and energy
- How to coach and lead an emotional sales team
- How to increase energy and effort to increase sales
- How to ask permission to help your team members make more money, get better and sell more
Class #10 – "How to Improve Operational Selling Skills" (17:08 min.)
- Understanding how to coach to the steps of a sales call
- The three consistent operational selling weaknesses faced by all sales pros
- Understanding how your team’s mastery of the steps of a sales call directly impacts your brand, value and competitive advantage
Class #11 – "How to Improve Tactical Selling Skills" (9:39 min.)
- Understanding how tactical selling skills provide control and multiple-stepped thinking and planning within a sales team
- The three most critical tactical skills your sales team needs to master
- How to best stabilize and protect your most important customers
- How to adjust your team’s selling language as they get higher, wider and deeper within their important accounts
Class #12 – "How to Maintain and Grow Your Team’s Most Important Customers" (10:28 min.)
- The four levels of sales professionals, and how to earn a higher position within a customer
- The “What are you doing to support your best customers?” test
- How to offer proactive “Wow factors” to your team’s most important customers
- How to conduct strategic account planning
Class #13 – "How to Improve New Business Selling Skills" (15:05 min.)
- How to lead a team to thinking and planning more moves ahead than your competitors
- How to define (and strengthen) your team’s “Identify to close” multiple stepped selling process
- How to lead your sales team through the eight tactical steps of the new business selling process
Class #14 – "How to Improve Strategic Selling Skills" (16:10 min.)
- How to strengthen the selling philosophies, values and competitive uniqueness of your team
- How to overcome the four most consistent problems with a sales team’s message of value and uniqueness
- How to utilize the four core values of buying to increase your team’s competitive selling language
Order Your Course Today!
$675.00 / Student
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Hall of Fame Speaker & Thought Leader
2006 Robin Hill Lane, Carrollton, TX 75007
800.526.0074 or 952.913.8998