How to persuasively open a telephone sales call

Are you and your team maximizing your persuasive impact in the first 30-seconds of every sales call made by phone? 

Consider this simple, less-than-a-minute four-step opening, Assume I’m calling you. My first step is to say “Hi, this is Jim Pancero.” Second is to state my company name.  Third is to explain the reason for my call and finally, fourth, is to ask “Is this a convenient time to be calling?”

All selling and persuasion are based on the process of lowering a buyer’s resistance so they can say yes. Look how, in just 30-seconds, you can lower a buyer’s resistance and open up their receptivity to your ideas by telling them who you are, your company and the reason for your call. 

And your final question “Is this a convenient time to be calling” makes sure they’re less likely to just tell you no as a way to get rid of you, and they’ll likely be impressed you even asked. 

Leaving anyone of these four-steps just increases your buyer’s resistance. What can you do, as the leader of your sales team, to make sure your entire team is utilizing this simple call-opening structure to increase their persuasiveness and increase their impact in the first 30 seconds of every phone call they make?

Join me as I share this simple four-step opening you can use on all your team’s calls on buyers. This is a great video to show at your next sales meeting! Show this video and then lead your team in a discussion, and practice, of how this simple opening skill can help your team sell even more!

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