Could you be getting better feedback from your customers?

Do you trust the customer feedback you’re getting from your salespeople? A great way to improve the information you’re getting as a manager is for you to talk directly with customers.

It’s always positive to get feedback from any of your people about your customer’s satisfaction levels, especially negative feedback. But sometimes the best and most solid advice to help define your future and what you can do to increase your competitive edge will only occur when a manager talks directly with your customers.

This isn’t going around your salespeople but is instead giving you an additional voice to buyer feedback. A suggested dialogue with important customers can include saying “Your business is important to us. What could we be doing to be of more help to you? What could we be doing that would have more impact? What would you like to see us improve?”

And the best question to end any buyer conversation is to ask… “If there’s only one thing we could improve, no matter how small or insignificant, what would make working with us even better for you?”

You get less-filtered information when a manager talks directly with a customer. A manager is also more likely to ask more probing questions to find out if there’s

any opportunities that could actually increase your competitive edge.

Join me as I share how you can use your position as sales manager to get better feedback…and stay better connected with your most important customers so you can sell even more!

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