Are you closing your business at 5:01?

Does your business close exactly on time? Think this could be upsetting any of your buyers?

I needed to talk to my doctor recently. But when I called, their voicemail said they were closed since it was past 5:00 p.m. As I listened to their message my clock showed it was 5:01.

I was frustrated. I called right at their published closing time at 5:00 and they’re not even answering the phone. Since they’ve published they close at five and I called at 5:01, they were valid in their voicemail being on and them no longer answering their phone.

But look at the impact it had on me as a customer. Now I have to hassle with trying them again tomorrow. What can you do as the leader of your sales team, to make sure your team under-promises and over-delivers in everything they do, including the small stuff?

One of the easy ways you can over-deliver is to make sure you answer your phones until 5:10 when it’s published you close at five. If you open at seven in the morning, then your team needs to start answering your phones at 6 45.

This way, when a buyer calls a few minutes early in the morning or a few minutes late in the evening, they still have a chance of reaching you and you still have a chance to impress them with the level of your service.

Join me as I share how your team can under-promise and over-deliver by being open more time than you publish. This way, even if somebody calls a few minutes late, you still have a chance to help them and hopefully…to sell even more

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