Can changing your approach to sales leadership strengthen your team’s competitive selling advantage?

Your leadership style has a direct impact on the success of your sales team. How much time do you spend coaching your salespeople v.s. only offering support and just telling them what to do?

What it takes to be an effective sales coach and leader has changed. In the past, sales managers acted more as a support function to their team spending their time on special pricing, expediting, and problem solving.

Sales coaching success today is based on being more of a coach and advisor, providing direction and focus by helping team members learn how to think and plan more moves ahead than they would otherwise. Sales coaches also need to work with their team on how to communicate a stronger competitive message of value and uniqueness to their buyers.

We’re in some of the toughest times we’ve seen in selling. Companies have higher expectations on quotas and amounts needing to be sold. We’re in a hyper-competitive market where buyers having greater awareness of their competitive options due to access to Google and other search engines.

In these challenging times salespeople don’t need support from their sales manager, they need help understanding how to think and plan more moves ahead and how to best control their buyer’s buying process.

Join me as I talk about how being a sales coach and leader can help your people discover for themselves what you already know…so they can sell even more!

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