Could your inside sales team help you sell even more?

Are you taking maximum advantage of your inside sales team that supports your outside sales reps? We need to make sure our outside sales reps are not wasting a lot of time selling to smaller accounts that could be persuasively handled by your inside team. 

It’s not that the outside sales rep disappears, it’s merely moving to more of a team selling effort where the inside rep is contacting the smaller customers more often than the outside person does.

We need this inside person to understand how to be more proactive solving customer problems by looking for products and solutions they can suggest. We also need to make sure these inside reps are part of any account planning and briefings. Whenever a sales rep is strategizing about their account, your assigned customer service person needs to be involved in this planning. 

Customer service people need to be assigned to specific accounts to have maximum impact. If we approach service with an “anyone answering the phone can handle a problem,” then nobody will be taking any long-term responsibility for an account and commitment to help it grow. We need to have inside customer service team members specifically assigned and responsible for each account just like you assign outside sales reps. 

Join me as I share ideas you can use to build a stronger sales team…by getting your inside customer service rep more involved in the proactive selling efforts of an account… bet if you’re able to do this you will sell even more!

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