Could increasing your speed responding to price quotes increase your competitive advantage?

The reality for a lot of sales teams is they’re not responding as fast as they need to if they want to increase their sales and competitive advantage.

I did some research for a client recently where I called ten different business-to-business vendors in Dallas, TX (my home) asking for prices and information about their services. Of the ten contacted, only two responded within 30 minutes calling me to understand what they could do and how they could help.

It took three of the competitors over a day to respond. It took two more almost a week to respond and two never did get back to me.

What would you do? How long would you wait before making a decision? I asked ten competitors for price quotes and an explanation of how they could help me. Since two responded immediately, what’s the chance I’m going to wait around on making a decision to get that third, fourth, or fifth quote, especially if it takes days for them to respond?

What can you do as the leader of your sales team to evaluate how fast your team responds to these price quote requests?

Join me as I share some ideas to help you and your team respond faster to price inquiries so you have a better chance of winning the business. Bet this might even help you and your team to sell even more!

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