Here’s the question you should be asking

Are you asking the best questions as the coach and leader of your sales team? Your effectiveness as a sales coach is based on your ability to increase their awareness, increase their view of the direction they need to go with this account, to help them prepare and understand what kind of problems they might have on their calls.

The questions you ask are directly related to the effectiveness of this coaching opportunity. A good friend and fellow sales trainer Jim Cathcart (of Austin, Texas) asked a question recently when we were in a discussion. The question Jim asked as we were coaching an individual really had impact as he redirected the conversation. He stated “Here’s the question you should be asking” and then offered a different question or direction from what the person had been discussing.

Think this kind of directional question could help you increase your coaching impact with your sales reps? The best coaches don’t lecture, the ask questions they already know the answer to that will help their rep discover what they need to be doing…or the change in direction they are needing.

Increasing the strength of your questioning can help your reps increase their persuasiveness, their effectiveness, and ultimately increase their competitive edge.

Join me as I share how you can become a better coach by asking “Here’s the question you should be asking…” Bet it can help your team sell even more!

As their coach, you need to be able to evaluate and identify the real problem they’re trying to solve. Your rep isn’t dealing with the issue of too high a price, they’re dealing with the real problem of the absence of perceived value.

Join me as we discuss how you, as the leader of your sales team, can become even more effective as their coach by being able to identify, and then resolve the real problems impacting your sales team. Bet if you do they can sell even more!

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