Are your sales reps selling to the only four reasons people buy?

Are your reps using the best selling language available today to close more business? There are only four reasons why people buy when given competitive choices. Let’s use you as an example. Pick a time and something of significance you were buying. Why did you choose the vendor you chose?

– Did they do more any anyone else to lower your risk?

– Did they do more than anyone else to make your life easier?

– Have they shown, even if you are not the lowest price bid, you can still prove you are a lower total cost.

– Did they show you how you can increase your competitive advantage/

– Is there any way what you sell could be used by your buyer to increase your team’s competitive edge?

These are the only four reasons anyone will buy anything when given competitive choices. What can you do to help your team learn and understand the power of these four core values? 

An exercise you can do with your team… have your team list all the reasons people are buying from you and your company. After you have your list complete, go through and compare each response given to see if that point ties into at least one of your four core values. Bet all responses tie into at least one of the four core values. Think this is an area you can work with your sales team to improve…so they can sell even more?

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