Are you still a student of selling?

As the coach and leader of your sales team, are you a student of selling? How aware are you of the simple steps and structures of selling that can make your people more persuasive? Your job as their coach and leader is to help them discover these critical selling skills. How much selling skills coaching have you been doing lately with your team?

Most new salespeople joining your team have likely had little training or coaching in the actual skills of selling. What can you do to help your team better understand the how’s and what’s in surviving a sales call (and even selling something)? Do they understand (and are using) the steps of a sales call? How many moves ahead are they thinking and planning for their accounts? How organized is their selling approach so they are not just good…but consistently good? These are the responsibilities of a sales leader when they are acting like a true trainer, coach and guide to their people. 

To be an effective coach of your team you need to know more about these skills and structures than your sales team. Join me as I offer ideas of how you can help your team understand and apply the latest concepts in selling and competitive advantage…so they can sell even more!

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