Is your ego getting in the way of your success as a sales leader?

Is your ego getting in the way of your success as a sales leader?

A great way to strengthen your effectiveness as the leader of your team is to take an inventory of your ego. Most salespeople are successful because they have a strong ego. A strong ego allows a sales pro to successfully deal with all the rejections of selling.

But when promoted to sales management, your ego needs to change (and soften) if you want to be an effective leader. A sales leader is least effective when they take personal credit for the success of their team. Salespeople need to be the heroes of your stories so you spread the credit and recognition across your entire team. This helps motivate them and helps your company see how successful they are.

That means your success stories can’t be about you. The stories you tell can’t be about your successes, they need to be about your team’s successes. When you give examples in your training or coaching, they can’t be about what you personally did and how you were the hero of the sale. That’s your ego talking. 

Instead, give your success stories to others by saying “this happened to a customer,” “happened to a friend,” or “happened to somebody else. This way you can talk about the success of your story without showing your ego. What can you do to make sure you’re managing your ego, so you give all of your attention on the success of our sales people?

Join me as I share how, by lowering your ego, you can increase your success as a coach and leader. Bet this might help your team sell even more!

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