Please help your reps give better PowerPoint presentations

PowerPoints have likely become an integral tool for your reps to explain your operations, how your processes work, and why your quality is so superior. The problem though is most of these presentations are really ineffective.

Challenges start when your slide content is only made up of your existing brochures duplicated on your slides. What do your slides look like? For most, there’s so much type on each slide that you can’t even read the slide copy from six feet away.

There’s a great test to see if you have too many words on any slide. Print your slides out on sheets of paper. If you can read the type on your slides as you stand over them, then your point size is fine. But if you can’t read your copy, then it’s probably too small and will negatively impact the persuasive efforts of your presentations.

The second idea is to only show one idea per slide. PowerPoints are meant to support a presentation and to keep your listeners focused on what you’re saying…while you’re saying it. You don’t need to have all five of your points on a single slide. One idea per slide helps keep your buyer focused on what you’re trying to communicate.

The third idea is to make sure your presentation actually focuses on your buyer. You want your presentations to talk about how you can help them improve their business, not just brag about how many locations you have or how big your warehouse is.

Join me as I share how your team can deliver more persuasive presentations…so they can sell even more!

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