Could you be giving more persuasive customer facility tours?

Providing tours of your warehouses, offices or production facilities is a great way to communicate your value. How persuasive and impactful are your facility tours?

Three ideas to help increase the persuasiveness of your tours:

First, make sure you start and end tours where you can display a schematic or building floor plan on the wall. The goal of this diagram is to provide an overview of where you’re going to take them and what they’ll be seeing. This is especially important if you have a a large, or complex warehouse or manufacturing facility.

Second, make sure your people enhance your tour by explaining their jobs. Instead of you, the executive, telling how you crimp hoses at this station, say “George has been doing this job for over 15 years. George, please show how you crimp our hoses and why it’s so important.” Getting your employees to interact with your guests helps communicate your facilities positive work environment and helps showcase the contributions your team members contribute to your finished products.

Also make sure your facility is clean and uncluttered. To most buyers, cleanness is a direct demonstration of your commitment to producing quality products. 

An additional idea is to make sure you have lots of signage overhead, not to help your workers, but to explain what is happening in specific areas of your facility. 

Join me as I share ideas you can use to significantly improve your persuasive facility tours…so you and your team can sell even more!

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