Do your customers know how great your prices really are?

Do any of your buyers assume you’re much more expensive than the competition because you also give great support?

One of my passions is photography. I decided to treat myself to a new camera for my upcoming birthday. My first stop was to the camera store I go to for my repairs and supplies.  

They told me the camera body I wanted was two-thousand dollars. I left wondering how competitive their prices were for this expensive an item compared to what I could find on the Internet. After all, they were a high-end camera store with great repair service and experts who could answer all of my questions.

Looking up the camera online. I was surprised to learn the camera store’s prices were the same as online.  

How many of your customers assume, because you offer great service, your prices are also much higher? With my camera, I had to discover their competitive prices on my own. I delayed buying because I wasn’t sure how much extra I’d be paying from such an upscale store. 

As they told me the price, they could have handed me a screenshot printout showing the Internet prices were the same as my store, but with great service and support. 

What can you do to proactively communicate your competitive prices to your customers, so they understand they don’t need to do any more shopping?.

Join me as I talk about what you can do to more proactively communicate the reasonableness of your prices and why paying a few extra dollars might actually still be a lower total cost.

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