Are you training your customers to just go buy on Amazon?

A relative with some medical challenges had her doctor prescribe several vitamin supplements to treat her condition. I went to my local big box pharmacy asking the pharmacist for help. As the pharmacist and I walked the aisles, we discovered none of the supplements I needed were in stock or only available in a different dosage. 

Every time we discovered they didn’t carry what I needed, the pharmacist would mention the wanted supplement was available on their store’s website.

I left the store with none of what I needed so had to complete my order online.  As I was ordering, I kept thinking how incomplete their service was. She left all the ordering action up to me…with me selecting the website to complete my order. 

Imagine if she had been more proactive and helpful, telling me “Sorry we don’t have the items you need, but I’ve entered all of them into my cell phone. Enter your payment info and this can be delivered in a few days.”

I wound up ordering everything I needed on Amazon instead of their company website. If she would have entered my order on her website, I’m sure I would have completed my purchase right there. Are any of your buyers completing their orders on Amazon, because they aren’t getting the support they need from your reps?

Join me as I share how you can make sure your team is offering your customers a more complete solution…even if it means completing their order online. Think this type of total solution support could help your team sell even more?

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