Are your reps trying to use leave-behind brochures as sales aids?

There are two types of brochures a salesperson can use to increase their persuasiveness. 

The first type is called a SALES AID. A sales aid is used during a call to assist the salesperson in explaining and promoting their message. Effective sales aides have a lot of photos, but few words allowing the rep to provide their message during a call. 

The second type is a LEAVE-BEHIND brochure. Leave-behind brochures are meant to be standalone documents with lots of writing to deliver your complete story without any human input. 

The challenge is most marketing departments don’t see the difference between these two brochure types. Most sales literature produced today are leave-behind brochures. Look at the persuasive challenge keeping a buyer’s full attention if the rep is using a leave-behind brochure with lots of writing to distract the buyer while your rep is presenting.

Does your team have both types of brochures currently available? Sales aids to use when in front of a buyer, and leave-behind documents to add to your messaging as they leave their call? 

Today’s video talks about the two types of sales literature needed and how, with the proper sales tools, your team can sell even more!

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