Can your team gain a competitive edge by talking about making your buyer’s life easier?

Could your salespeople sell more, and even increase their competitive advantage by talking more about how they can help make their buyer’s life easier?

There are only four reasons why people buy…they’re called the “Four Core Values of Buying.” In my last posting we talked about how you can gain a competitive advantage if you can talk about how you can lower your buyer’s risk.

You can also gain a competitive edge with the second core value, showing how you can make your buyer’s life or work easier. You don’t have to be the lowest price today, you just need to prove you are your buyer’s lowest total cost solution. One of the best ways to show you are their lowest total cost (compared to your competition) is by talking about how you can save them time and money by making their life and work easier.  

What can you do, as the leader of your sales team, to look for, highlight and role play all the ways your reps can talk about how you can make your buyer’s lives easier?

Join me as I share how making a buyer’s life or work easier can increase your competitive edge…so you can sell even more!

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