How persuasive are your team’s objection handling skills?

There’s an amazing phenomenon I observe in people and how they receive new information. When new ideas are shared, instead of replying “Wow, that’s new information that will help me.” It seems most respond by first apologizing for their past explaining they’d never heard it before. They’re basically saying, “It’s not my fault for not having applied this new idea you just gave me that I’ve never heard before.”

As a coach and leader of your sales team, you need to watch for this phenomenon and correct it, especially within your sales team. Teaching your team they don’t have to apologize for the past before accepting (or even trying) a new idea can make things much more comfortable to receiving new information. 

Think this could help your team be more effective in their selling efforts by only focusing more on the future and not having to apologize for the past?

Today’s video shares this challenge faced by most… of needing to apologize for their past before they can accept your ideas for the future. When your team members can stop apologizing for what they didn’t know before, they’re more likely to accept new ideas that can help them sell even more!

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