How many excuses does your sales team have for not prospecting?

Prospecting for new business is a critical requirement to maintaining your business and growing your sales. But prospecting is also something most sales reps dislike more than any other function of their job.

The only proven way to maintain strong ongoing prospecting is when it becomes an ongoing expectation of management. Three ideas that can help increase your team’s prospecting efforts.

1st idea – Prospecting tends to work best when it’s an ongoing job requirement defined by specific prospecting times or minimum number of prospecting efforts expected every week. Some companies hold “Prospecting Thursdays” each week when the sales team is expected to only be working on new business opportunities. Others define a specific hour each day to be outbound calling for new opportunities. 

2nd idea – You need to track new business prospecting efforts and results. There’s an old saying “Continuous tracking produces continuous results.”

3rd and final idea – Make sure your reps do research before attempting to contact a new prospect. You need to make sure they can sound competent and can offer ideas or applications to any new company they try to reach.

Prospecting is such a critical aspect of selling today. What can you do to help increase your team’s prospecting efforts? 

Today’s video talks about these three ideas to help increase the prospecting efforts of your team…so they can sell even more!

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