Can your team prove your “Higher price – lower total cost?

Most reps can talk about how they save a buyer money. But collapse when asked to prove on paper why paying more with you will save them money. 

There are four steps to financial justification. 

1st, compare “Apples to Apples” to make sure you’re proposing the same stuff.

2nd, show/explain your hard savings. These are numbers published by external forces rating miles per gallon or time between repairs.

3rd, talk about soft savings. The benefits you provide through your support.

Finally, 4th, talk about your “Insurance Policy.” You might not be able to put a value to all your benefits, but the buyer wants those benefits.

You don’t have to show on paper you’re the lowest cost, just in range to say “For only a few cents/dollars more, you can lower your risk and make your team’s lives easier.”

Today’s video talks about how you can explain why you’re a lower total cost…so you can sell even more!

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