Are you helping your reps think and plan more moves ahead?

Most sales reps only think and plan one move ahead with their accounts. Your goal as their coach is to help them extend their thinking into multiple-stepped plans to help improve their effectiveness and account control.

Heard a great idea from my friend and fellow sales trainer, Jeff Slutsky (Kansas City). When coaching a rep about their accounts, after they finish explaining their plans, ask “And then what?”

By asking this question, you can guide your reps into out-thinking and out-planning both their buyers and competitors. Thinking multiple moves ahead with an account allows your rep to offer a more complete selling process and solutions… increasing their competitive edge.

Think you, as their coach, could be asking more “And then what?” questions when coaching your team?

Today’s video talks about ideas that can help you coach your people into thinking, selling (and winning!) more moves ahead!

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