Any of your reps still selling as “Independent Gunfighters?

How many members of your sales team are still selling like independent gunfighters, selling their own way with their own selling style and delivering their own unique selling message? 

They’re two alternatives to leading a sales team. The first, older style, is managing a bunch of independent gunfighters. Each rep has their own style and approach to selling. 

Independent gunfighters also only sell to selected industries or market segments missing a lot of selling opportunities. For years companies would leave an Independent Sales Rep alone as long as they made their sales numbers. 

But the marketplace is a lot tougher and more competitive today. You need more controls and consistency from all members of your sales team. Effective sales teams today are being led with more of a SWAT team leadership mentality with one set of selling processes and one message of value and uniqueness.

So how are you leading your team? As independent gunfighters…or as more of an organized and focused SWAT Team with more controls, more discipline, and more guidance?

Today’s video talks about the differences between leading a group of Independent Gunfighters compared to running a SWAT team…so you can even more!

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