Are you checking out your prospects before calling?

Do any of your sales reps, when dealing with prospecting opportunities, have a philosophy of “Ready – Fire – Aim” whenever they’re given a new sales lead?

The first thing they do is grab their phone and start calling the new prospect, instead of doing any research to find out if we have any history with your company. Are they looking to see if there’s anything they can learn about this prospect to help provide some kind of opening or connectivity to use during your first contact?

Are your reps utilizing the latest available tools to research their new sales leads before trying to contact them? Whether it’s checking company records, looking them up on Google or ChatGPT? What about looking up both their company and contact name on LinkedIn’s tool called Sales Navigator?

These are all opportunities to learn more that are simple, fast, easy to use. 

Today’s video talks about this “Ready – Fire – Aim” strategy of prospect research before calling them can hurt your efforts to sell even more!

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