Are you coaching your reps to not give up?

How tenacious are your sales team members? If you gave one of your reps the name and phone number of a new sales prospect, how many attempts to contact that opportunity will your reps make before they give up? How many contacting attempts would you like your team to make before they abandon an identified sales opportunity?

Sadly, this type of planning and calling attempt expectations is rarely part of any sales training or management coaching. My informal research has shown the majority of reps give up after three attempts while a percentage gave up only after only one or two tries. And the real challenge? The average buyer tends to ignore the first five calls and e-mails from unknown vendors until you can get their attention. And talk with them.

Selling tenacity is a great topic to be coaching and discussing with your team. How much energy should we be investing in a prospect or dormant account before we decide to walk away? This walk-away contact attempt numbers need to be identified and agreed to by all on the sales team. 

Join me as I share proven ways you can strengthen your team’s selling tenacity by discussing how many messages you’ll want to be left before deciding to walk away. Setting up guidelines with contact expectations could help your entire team sell even more!

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