Are you fighting symptoms instead of problems?

Where are you spending your time as a coach and leader of your sales team? Are you, like most sales managers, spending all your time fighting symptoms or are you really solving problems?

One of the ways you can become a stronger sales coach and leader is to make sure you’re offering help in the most productive areas. 

An example of a symptom is when your rep comes back from a call and says “We lost the bid because our price was too high.” Losing on price is not an actual problem but instead is merely a symptom. They didn’t lose because your price was too high,  they lost because your rep didn’t communicate enough differential and value or uniqueness to be able to justify your higher price. What your rep perceives as a pricing challenge is really a messaging problem. 

As the leader of your sales team, you need to make sure you don’t waste time trying to fix a lot of symptoms. Fixing symptoms just means you’re going to have to fix the same things that keep reappearing in other ways. 

As their coach, you need to be able to evaluate and identify the real problem they’re trying to solve. Your rep isn’t dealing with the issue of too high a price, they’re dealing with the real problem of the absence of perceived value.

Join me as we discuss how you, as the leader of your sales team, can become even more effective as their coach by being able to identify, and then resolve the real problems impacting your sales team. Bet if you do they can sell even more!

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