Are you getting maximum impact from the manufacturing reps selling for you?

Do you have any independent manufacturing reps selling for you and your company? A lot of sales organizations, especially distributors and equipment manufacturers, use independent sales reps as part of their territory coverage in areas they don’t have as stronger a presence as they’d like or where they can’t afford a full-time sales rep to be covering.

Do you utilize these kinds of salespeople? What are you doing to integrate them more into your selling process? In the old days, an independent manufacturing rep wouldn’t

even attend your sales meetings just asking you to mail any relevant literature you wanted them to promote. But today we need all members of our sales team aligned and focused on our mission and messaging…even the independent reps. 

Sales teams today need to be functioning more as a SWAT team with consistent messaging following consistent processes. All members of your team need to understand more about your expected philosophies and approaches. They need to consistently explain the best values and uniqueness of what you offer. 

Join me as I share what you can do to make sure your independent manufacturing reps are more tightly integrated into your selling philosophies and approaches. I bet it might help your team sell even more!

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