Are you helping your reps improve their selling efficiency?

There are two ways to increase your team’s sales. How much time and effort are you investing to improve both of these skill areas with your team?

The first way is to improve their selling EFFECTIVENESS. Effectiveness is being able to communicate a stronger selling message of value and uniqueness as well as how to best guide and control a sales call. This also includes their ability to identify customer’s pain and deliver solutions. 

The second way to increase sales is to improve their selling EFFICIENCY. Efficiency is how much time it takes to complete tasks and responsibilities. If reps are making 10 call attempts an hour when selling on the phone, what happens if we can increase that to 12? When you improve their efficiency by 20%, they’ll tend to sell 20% more. 

Anything you can do this week to help your team increase both their effectiveness and efficiency?

Today’s video discusses two ways you can increase sales…by helping your team be more effective in how they sell and also becoming more efficient in their selling and support efforts. When your team can improve both of these areas, they tend to sell al lot more!

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