Are you helping your sales managers become stronger coaches and leaders?

The reality over decades of research is that people coached by somebody more skilled tend to have the fastest improvement in those skills. Your job as the coach and leader of your sales team is to help strengthen and improve the skills of all members so they can sell even more.

Who’s coaching you? Who’s helping you understand how to be more effective? How to be more persuasive? How to create a stronger motivational environment? How to gain more control of their selling processes?

Most sales managers have no coach. They’re the top person in their company with no one else to talk to. 

The great news is your coach doesn’t need to be from your company! Consider forming a Mastermind Group made up of other sales managers not in your industry who also manage salespeople. 

Can’t we all benefit from receiving help from someone more aware and experienced?

Today’s video talks about the need and benefits of receiving coaching help on how to be a more effective leader of your sales team…so they can sell even more!

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