Are you selling to the “FUD Factor?

Are your sales reps successfully selling against low-priced competitors by selling to the “FUD Factor?”

There’s an old sales concept that’s still effective today called selling to the FUD factor. FUD stands for FEAR, UNCERTAINTY or DOUBT.

What are you doing to make sure your team are raising these fears to their customers? Fear, uncertainty, and doubt in making new decisions, trying new products, or dealing with new ventures?

Effectiveness in selling today, and the way we gain a competitive advantage, is based on lowering your buyer’s risk factors in doing business. One of the ways we can lower their risk factors is to make sure we eliminate any fears they have, any uncertainties with this decision, or any doubts they have. So really, it’s focusing on customer benefits by selling to the FUD factor.

Think helping your team sell to the “FUD Factor” could help increase their competitive edge?

Today’s video talks about selling to the FUD Factor and how it can help you differentiate your higher-priced value, by lowering their risk and making their life a lot easier. This is one of the best ways to help your team sell even more!

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