Are you teaching the wrong steps of a sales call?

What steps are you teaching your team? There are five steps of a sales call:

1st lower resistance.

2nd ask questions to learn and qualify.

3rd present solutions

4th have closure/gain commitment.

For too many salespeople, the fourth step ends their call, making their efforts an event instead of a multiple-stepped process.

The 5th and final step is agreeing and setting up your next contact. The goal is to end your call asking, “When would you like me to get back to you?” so your buyer identifies when to follow up. Look how this can lower your buyer’s resistance when you call them back saying, “You asked me to call you…”

What can you do to help your team master and follow these steps on every call?

Join me as I discuss the difference between the steps of a sales call when applied to the multiple-call selling environment compared to the retail single-call sale…so your team can sell even more!

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