Are your customers making buying decisions without your reps?

Buyers today are making product selections and decisions before they ever talk with a sales rep.  

If you wanted to buy a hot tub ten years ago, what would you have done? You’d have likely gone to a hot tub store to pick up literature and pricing before discussing options with your family.

What would you do today? If you’re older, you’ll likely go to Google to ID options. If younger, you’ll likely first ask your friends. By the time you’re ready to talk with a sales rep today, you’ll have already made model and pricing decisions.

What can you do to help your reps realize how late they’re entering a new buyer’s decision process today? How can you help identify the best questions to ask early in their call to identify buyer decisions already made…and if those decisions are what they really needed?

Today’s video shares ideas you and your team can use right now to get better connected and talking earlier with your buyers…so you can sell even more!

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