Are your customers stuck managing their own care?

I’m having a problem with my national chain pharmacy managing the medications I take. My pharmacy promises an automatic refill process. As long as there’s a prescription waiting, they’ll automatically refill it when it’s the appropriate time.

Well, that’s what’s supposed to be happening. But there’s a major flaw in their system. If my current prescription has no refills left, my pharmacy gives me no alerts causing me to run out of medications.

Because of their reactive support, I have to manage my own medical care since I can’t trust them to do it for me. And because of my medical plan, I can’t change pharmacies. 

I watch a lot of companies have this same problem. We work to position our customers into a proactive solution-making mode, but then can’t be trusted to continue that level of support.

Is your team proactively monitoring and supporting your customers? Or does your team wait for your customers to call when they run out of inventory or have a problem before anyone takes action?

Think this is a good time to talk with your sales and service team on how they can become even more proactive and predictive? 

Today’s video discusses this problem of customers having to manage their own service and support and what you and       your team can be doing to increase your customer service levels by taking on more responsibilities from your buyers. Think becoming more proactive with your customer support can help your team sell even more?

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