Are your reps generating enough referrals?

Referrals, asking customers who else they think might be interested in the things you sell, was always been a great way to expand a rep’s territory and help grow their business. But somehow asking for referrals today has lost a lot of attention and emphasis and are not being utilized as much as they used to be. 

Could your team be talking with your satisfied customers about who else they know in their industry or community who could benefit from the kind of solutions you and your company offer?

The challenge today is salespeople just don’t seem to be asking for referrals as much anymore. Even though getting purchasing advice from friends is one of the major ways most buyers improve their buying efforts. 

Sales professionals need to continue growing their sales territories, and one of the best ways to do that is by asking every customer for referrals as soon as they’re satisfied with the job you’re doing. 

What can you, as the leader of your sales team, be doing to help your reps understand the importance and effectiveness of continually asking for referrals from their satisfied buyers?

Today’s video talks about the critical importance of asking for referrals as a way to grow your territory…so you can sell even more!

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