Are your reps successfully selling to buyers with opposite personalities?

Most reps are good at selling to someone just like them…with the same likes and dislikes. Are your team members equally skilled selling to buyers with completely opposite personalities? 

A goal of sales training today is to help salespeople understand the personality differences that exist in buyers and how they compare (or contrast) to the salesperson.

One of the great structures we can use to define the differences between people is to ask, which side of the fence are you on? Are you more of a detailed person or more of a big picture? 

A big picture person is very forward thinking. They’re very loud, outspoken and demanding. A more detailed person is more reserved. They tend to think before they speak. They’re more moderate and unassuming. Look how ineffective a big picture salesperson, being loud and demonstrative, is going to come across to someone more detailed, reserved, and moderate. 

Could this be a good coaching opportunity to discuss with your team the differences in the personalities of the customers you sell, and how reps can be more flexible?

Today’s video talks about how you can help your team increase their selling impact by learning now to sell to someone with a completely different personality than their own. It’s a great way for your entire team to sell even more!

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