Are your sales reps selling on purpose?

How many members of your sales team have been a little distracted the last three years because of Covid’s disruption on all of our businesses? During Covid, supply-chain disruptions, delayed deliveries, surprise price increases and the inability to even visit your customers were all a part of the normal daily distraction to your salespeople being able to find new business. 

Markets have now opened up again. How much time are your reps spending now on actually selling? Selling new ideas, selling new applications, even selling new customers? 

Most sales reps have invested so much time the last three years maintaining their customers and keeping them happy during all these disruptions that they’ve forgotten how to sell. How much time are your reps spending today going after new business compared to solving problems and dealing with these supply-chain disruptions?

We need to make sure salespeople today get back to pre-Covid times where they were more proactive problem solvers than just reactively supporting their accounts.

Join me as I talk about ways you can help your team be more proactive initiators bring new ideas to your buyers…so they can sell even more!

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