Are your selling skills out of balance?

One of the best ways to become more effective in selling is to make sure you’re selling skills are balanced. There are three distinct sets of selling skills all salespeople need to master to achieve long-term success. 

Strong product and technical skills is the first skill set. This area tends to be the strongest of the three skills for most salespeople. This is also, not surprisingly, the areas where companies invest the most training and coaching.

Strong selling skills is the second skill set. Knowing how to ask questions, how to close, how to qualify, how to manage an account and do account planning.

The third and final skill set needed for long-term success is strong business and financial skills. This is understanding how your customers make money and how you can impact your buyer’s profitability so you can sell even more.

How balanced are your three selling skill sets? Most companies embrace technical and product skills, tolerate building at least some selling skills, and completely ignore improving business and financial skills.

We don’t need to train people on what they do best, helping them get even better, We need to build and strengthen their weakest areas that, when improved, will generate the most results. 

Join me as I share ideas to help you increase the balance, and performance of your sales team by bringing them more into balance. Bet it might help them sell even more!

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