Can you be more customer-focused in your communications?

A great way to increase your team’s persuasiveness is to make sure they spend more time talking about their customer than they spend talking about themselves, their company, or their products. There’s a simple test you can apply to measure your team’s communications. It’s called the “X’s & O’s” test. 

Print out and mark up any letter someone on your team has written, a proposal they generated, or an email they sent. Mark an “X” through any words saying “us,” “we,” or “ours,” mentions your company name or any products you sell because you’re talking about yourself. Circle any words mentioning your customer’s name, their products, or “you or “you’re because now you’re talking about your customer. 

By counting up the “X’s” and “O’s” you can see how customer-focused your document really is. A warning. Most sales proposals are over 90% “X’s” having little to do with the customer. 

How many of your reps spend way too much time talking about themselves and their company instead of how their customer will benefit from your offerings? Think this “X’s & O’s” test can help your reps become more customer-focused?

Today’s video offers a simple “X’s & O’s” evaluative test you can use that can make all of your communications more customer-focused…so your team can sell even more!

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