Can you gain a competitive advantage by talking about the core buying value of “lowering my risk?”

There are only four reasons why buyers select a winning vendor in a competitive market…they’re called the “Four Core Values of Buying.” Over the next four postings I’ll be explaining each of these major buyer motivations when faced with competitive choices.

The first and foremost core value is risk. When a customer asks “Why, based on all the alternatives available to me, do I want to buy from you? “Because we can lower your risk” is a great customer response to pricing pressures.

Look how your strong brand lowers your risk, how your local delivery schedule lowers your risk. Your proven performance lowers your risk. You don’t have to be the lowest price today…especially if you can prove you are their lowest risk. One of the ways to gain a competitive advantage.

What can you do to help people understand the four core values are the only ways to really identify what your buyer most wants to accomplish and sets you up to become the supplier of choice 

Join me as I share ideas on how you can work with your team to better understand the four core values of selling…and how to best utilize “lowing your risk” to describe why anyone would want to buy your products or services.

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