Can you gain a competitive edge by talking about how you can increase your buyer’s profitability?

There are only four reasons why people buy in a competitive market…they’re called the “Four Core Values of Buying.” In my first two posts of this four-post series, we talked about how to gain a competitive advantage by talking more about how you can lower their risks and/or how you can make their life or work easier.

You can also gain a competitive advantage with our third core value, showing how you can either increase your customer’s profitability, or lower their total costs. You don’t have to be the lowest price today; you just have to prove you’re their lowest total cost.

We need to take the longer term view to gain a competitive advantage and to protect you from your lower-priced competitors. When someone offers a lower price, you need to show how much more risk they’ll be taking if they do that and how their life will become more hassled compared to the service and support you can provide. Even though there’s a short-term savings buying from your cheaper competitor, it could still be a much higher total cost compared to what you can offer. 

We need to talk more about the financials today, and not just the issue of price, but the issue of total cost. What can you do, as the leader of your team, to coach your team how to deliver a stronger message of your lowest total cost?

Join me as I share how you can best share a message of lowest total cost with your buyers…so you can sell even more!

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