Can your inside sales team help you sell even more?

It’s critical today to continue increasing the persuasiveness of your inside support team. Four ideas to improve the effectiveness of your support team:

1st idea – Anyone who deals with customers can benefit from training and coaching. Role playing is a great way to teach the persuasive best practices you want to see followed.

2nd idea – Coach to the complete sale – If a customer orders brake shoes, is your team completing the sale by asking if they also need brake springs?

3rd idea – Discuss the best ways to effectively and persuasively deal with an angry customer. What can your team do to proactively resolve an upset customer’s problem so they feel like it’s a positive win for them?

4th idea – Review how (and when) to ask for management help. Too many managers assume their support team, because they’ve worked for the company for so long, have all the skills they need. Think it could help to discuss when best to get a manager involved?

Today’s video shares these four ideas and how they can increase the effectiveness of your inside support team…so you can sell even more!

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