Can your reps tell you the steps of a sales call?

One of the ways to hold onto a customer long-term, even if they’re saying no, is to make sure you and your team are following the steps of a sales call. There are always five steps (no matter what the selling situation):


– Step 2 – ASK QUESTIONS to learn and qualify

– Step 3 – PRESENT your solutions (based on what you learned during your questioning)

– Step 4 – CLOSE asking for some type of commitment (even if it is only to continue talking)

– Step 5 (and the most critical step for long-term selling success) – AGREE & SET UP YOUR NEXT CONTACT

The worst thing a salesperson can hear from a customer is “Don’t call me, I’ll call you if we’re interested.” Ever had anyone call you back after they gave you that answer? Taking advantage of this fifth and final step allows you to maintain control of your account and have a reason to come back and continue talking (and selling!).

“Step 5” statements include “When would you like me to get back with you?” “When would you like me to follow up,” or “I’m going to be in the area in two weeks, mind if I stop by to see if we can be of help?”

The goal is to end your call with a clear reason and time frame your buyer agrees you can follow up. This allows you to then begin lowering resistance on your next call by reminding them they asked you to follow up.

Join me as I share how you can help your team to better understand, and utilize, the steps of a sales call. Bet it could help them sell even more!

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