Sales Management Articles

Sales Campaigns Increase Your Competitive Value and Uniqueness

How would you and your team answer an important customer asking “What’ve you done for me lately?” What would you talk about? How many new ideas or suggestions have you offered your better clients over the last year? Too many experienced sales professionals have this reactive, repetitive, and singular “buy my product” approach to selling,

Sales Campaigns Increase Your Competitive Value and Uniqueness MORE »

Improve Your Team Hiring by Asking Stronger Interview Questions

All sales managers eventually wind up needing to invest time and effort interviewing, hiring and training new members of their sales team. How effective are your interviewing skills and efforts? The majority of sales managers don’t interview and hire new salespeople on a regular basis so their interviewing skills tend to be weak or “underdeveloped.”

Improve Your Team Hiring by Asking Stronger Interview Questions MORE »

How To Coach Sales Reps On The Fundamental Structures Of A Sales Call

The job of a sales manager is to help each and every one of your people achieve more than they would have achieved if just left alone. How are you helping your people achieve even more by coaching and helping them increase their Operational or fundamental selling skills? How often are you riding along and

How To Coach Sales Reps On The Fundamental Structures Of A Sales Call MORE »

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