Could adding more structure to your team’s prospecting efforts increase your sales?

A few ideas to help increase your team’s prospecting efforts…

First idea – Prospecting tends to work best long term when specific times or expectations are assigned to your sales team. 

An outbound telemarketing client required all sales team members (including managers) to invest every day between 11:00 a.m. and noon calling on new accounts. They called it the “Golden Hour.” No matter what you were doing, unless it was a customer crisis or an emergency, you were expected to be making outbound prospecting calls during their “Golden Hour.” You might reserve the first Monday of every month for prospecting or require every Thursday be spent looking for new business.

2nd idea – You’ll get a much higher prospecting compliance from your team when you have some level of reporting and tracking to make sure your reps are actively prospecting and building their pipeline.

3rd idea – Invest in sales training to strengthen prospecting skills such as improving their message of uniqueness, identifying how best to approach prospects and how to open a sales call on a new buyer. 

Prospecting long-term requires strong and involved sales leadership, coaching, training, and organization. Think you can increase your team’s new business prospecting efforts?

Today’s video discusses how to add more selling structure to your team’s new business selling efforts…so they can sell even more!

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