Could NLP skills help your team sell even more?

Any of your reps only selling to customers just like them? An effective selling skill from the 1970s was NLP – Neuro-Linguistic Programming. The idea behind NLP is that different people receive information in different ways. We each have a learning process that will have the most impact for us as a buyer.

There are three NLP approaches to learning and absorbing new information. How would you most like to receive new information that would have the most absorption and interest for you? 

Some are AUDITORY focused. They need to hear what you’re saying. Showing them a brochure will have little impact. You need to verbally tell them what’s going on.

The second alternative is VISUAL. A visual learner doesn’t care what you say unless they can see it. Directions mean nothing to them unless you show them a map.

The third type of learner is KINESTHETIC. Kinesthetic people need to touch or hold something to understand it. If you’re talking about a product you’re selling, you need to hand it to them so they can hold it in their hands. Only if they’re holding it will they be able to receive and understand what you are saying..

NLP is such an effective sales tool because it helps your people understand how to be more flexible and to sell to people that are different in their decision processes. 

Join me as I talk about the power of NLP and how it can help your team increase their flexibility and ability to adjust their selling language to a wider range of buyers…so they can sell even more!

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