Could testing the presentation skills of sales candidates help you make better hiring decisions?

Had a chance to ride with a sales rep recently making calls on customers. As I watched them sell, I noticed they were only utilizing two selling attributes to gain an advantage and maintain their customer’s loyalty. They were maintaining their relationship so their customer felt they were a friend and were working to show their technical expertise to support their buyer.

The problem? The rep wasn’t doing anything proactive. They weren’t bringing new ideas to their customer. They weren’t looking for new applications to help save their customer time, money, or lower their risk. They were only maintaining their account with the hope and assumption when the customer did need something, they’ll ask for it.

What are you doing to make sure your reps are doing more than just servicing their accounts and being their friends? Are they bringing new solutions and ideas? Are they suggesting new products or services that can truly help their customer lower their risk, make their life easier and/or increase their profitability?

Offering great service and being a buyer’s friend is just not enough today…we’ve got to be more of a proactive “solutions bringer” if we want to gain, and keep, our competitive edge.

Join me as I share how you can lead your team to doing more than just servicing an account, by being more future-focused and proactive in their sales calls…so they can sell even more!

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