Could weekly sales campaigns help increase your competitive edge?

Are your sales reps continually adjusting and improving their messaging to their regular customers when they call on them? Too many reps, as they call on their existing customers, keep asking the same old tired four questions over and over.

How many times have your reps called on an existing customer only asking “Anything you need? Anything coming up? Anything I can help with?” And “How’s the family?” This reactive and repetitive questioning can actually make your customers stop paying attention to what your reps are saying and selling. 

Your team can gain a competitive edge by varying your sales call messaging. Consider breaking your year into selling campaigns so every month your reps highlight something different about your company. One campaign might talk about the different services you offer. Another month talk about your return policies or customer training being offered.

The goal of varying your selling message into sales campaigns is to keep reminding your customers of all the reasons, and value, you bring to them. With selling campaigns your sales messaging month to month is no longer predictable and you’re much more likely to keep your buyer’s attention.

What can you do to help your salespeople vary their selling messages and to break out of the habit of asking the same old tired questions month after month?

Join me as I share how implementing sales messaging campaigns can help increase your team’s competitive edge…so they can sell even more!

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