Could you and your team be more effective presenters…by getting over your presentation jitters?

How many of your reps are not that effective when presenting to customers, especially when more than a one-on-one presentation? Most leaders (and sales pros) agree giving presentations to groups is one of the toughest parts of their jobs. And most are not very good at it. One of the reasons they’re not very good is usually because they’ve not had enough practice and experience presenting in front of groups.

Having been a professional speaker and trainer for decades, I get asked how to become more comfortable on stage. The reality is it’s just experience. If you do something a hundred times, you tend to not be too stressed when you have to do it for that hundred and first time. 

One of the best things you can do, as the manager and leader of your sales team, is to make sure your people first give their customer or reseller presentations to management. The key to successful presenting is just experience and repetition. And the best way you can do that is to have them practice their presentations in front of you.

What can you do to help your team get over their presentation jitters by building up their experience and giving them some coaching advice?

Join me as I share the secrets to delivering an effective speech…so your team can sell even more!

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